Why Your Business Website Needs SEO

According to Google 94% of Customers or businesses enquires on internet before buying a product or services. By searching specific keywords they get the list of websites in their search results, because they assumed to be most relevant to their search and trustworthy.

And interestingly most of businesses finds their primary competitors on the top of these list. SEO is one and only technique which make this happens.

Online Customer engagement becomes next to impossible, if your website is not present at the top of these lists. If your competitor ranking higher than you then it must be because he is using updated seo tactics or hired someone expert in doing so like VB Digitech.

SEO stand for search engine optimization, which is Google’s way of determining credibility of website that deserves to be ranked on high for each query entered into search box. SEO helps businesses to create strong and user friendly website. Which in turn helps bringing more qualified leads, turning cold customer to warm one and building brand Authority.

Why Business Website Needs SEO

This is most common question that strikes every website owners.

Google searches about 4 billion searches every day, and this number increasing day by day, as consumers started more relying on internet (Specially after covid). SEO helps you to showcase your service in front of customer when these searches happens.

Here below, we are discussing solid reasons why your business website really needs a SEO.

Provides Opportunity To Interact With Consumer

Almost everyone (including you) enquires to product or services before they commits to actually buying it. Because they want to know more about prices, quality and other options. Google helps them fulfilling their needs with the help of websites in that niche. Then why not to drive these prospects to your website? – Don’t ever miss that opportunity.

SEO Will Help People Find Your Website

Consumers Actually Don’t like ADS. This creates trust issues as it psychologically represents that, company showing ads is working for money only.

SEO does exact opposite to that, it showcases your website in more organic and natural way. As it relies on most relevant results, chances of customer conversion are very high.

SEO helps your website get found and noticed easily; which eventually generates more clicks and views by cold prospects, investors or may be partners. SEO is a vital digital marketing tool, which makes your website more discoverable which leads to more traffic and eventually more customers.

Joist.in (our client) is a material handling industry situated in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra. Gave us an opportunity to perform SEO for them, their goal was to rank on all possible keywords related to material handling equipment in PAN India. So we optimized their pages accordingly and now they are getting about 65% of their customers through website.

Website Traffic

Most relevant traffic is one of the ultimate goal of SEO. Don’t forget 33% of clicks go to the first ranking page, And rest of visitors are absorbed by first five ranking pages. More peoples are likely to click through and visit your website when your website is at the top of search results. A right funnel plan can lead to gain new customer for your business. For that reason, it’s also important that your website offers a quality user experience that leaves visitors with a favorable impression of your business.

Who We Are ?

VB Digitech is one of the Top SEO Company in Pune, India. For the last 5 years, we are a result-oriented Digital Marketing Company focusing on lead generation with organic SEO traffic. Our expert SEO team uses the latest SEO strategies & techniques to bring your website at the top of the search engine result. We will be delivering consistent results. We use one of the best SEO strategies for your company than any other digital marketing company.